Bamboo belongs to the grass family.
There are over 1000 different varieties worldwide and because of the many varieties,
bamboo is suitable for any garden. It can be grown in parks, apartments, residential
and commercial properties as well as in pots for balconies, terraces or patios. It
gives your garden an exotic touch and brightens the dull winters with its evergreen
leaves and canes.
It can be used for helping with soil erosion, windbreak and providing privacy. When
trimmed, the canes also know as culms can be used as garden stakes, fencing or in the
construction of anything imaginable.
Bamboo is our specialty. We work with clumping bamboo and running bamboo ranging in size
from ground cover to timber grade reaching heights of 40'+. If planted properly and
maintained on an annual basis, bamboo can provide delicate textures and evergreen
privacy in your yard. Each variety of bamboo has a unique growing habit and it is
important to choose the right one for the space in your garden.
We are available for consultation in your garden to discuss the design, installation,
maintenance or removal of bamboo. The best time to plant bamboo is at the end of summer
through fall. During this time, the ground is warm and inviting to the root systems.
They will easily get established with adequate water and produce nice shoots the following
growing season.
The best time for annual maintenance is in the winter. The rhizomes have done their growing
and are still herbaceous making it easy to remove them from the ground. During the spring
these rhizomes will harden up and create feeder root systems, making it more difficult to
remove. If the maintenance is done regularly the process is much less labor intensive and
the plants never experience shock.
The best time for bamboo removals are in the fall and winter. Once the rains have softened
up the ground in late fall, bamboo removal can be done much faster. We will remove bamboo at
any point during the year but have found that when the ground is soft the removals go much faster.